Cholaca - Element Knife Company

Do you know about Cholaca? This Boulder Colorado based business truly cares about their business practices and the future of our planet. I had the privilege of meeting Ira Leibtag, founder and CEO of Cholaca during a broadcast of The Modern Eater.  He was invited to talk about his story and passion for chocolate. After sampling their pure liquid cacao, I was blown away and just had to know more. They are committed to the regeneration of cacao farms by following four fundamentals: single-origin sourcing, 100% pure cacao product, highest-quality processing facility for manufacturing, and Fair-Trade.

“The more cacao Cholaca purchases, the more rainforests we grow back. It’s that simple!” says Leibtag.

“The more cacao Cholaca purchases, the more rainforests we grow back. It’s that simple!” says Leibtag.

Not only are they total heroes for helping the planet and not only is Cholaca delicious., but there is ton of health benefits. It contains 40 times the amount of antioxidants of blueberries , is high in magnesium for a healthy heart and brain, it’s a natural mood elevator and antidepressant. The list goes on and on…

“One of the most beneficial superfoods a human body can ingest!”

Ira and his team have grown in the industry from coffeehouses and bakeries to also working with breweries and distilleries.

“Cholaca is made with the best cacao in the world. It gives brewers a new premium alternative to nibs, powders, and extracts. It is available in three varieties: unsweetened, lightly sweetened, and sweetened, to achieve the flavor profile you desire.”

“Less waste than brewing with cacao nibs & powders… more efficient brew process”

If you’re into sustainability, health, making the planet better, and deliciousness--to put it simply, support Ira and his team. They are supporting us!

Follow the links below to keep up with current events and all Cholaca is doing!


